Category Archives: 52

Post of the week. My life in summary.

New Year Musings

2015, 1-1-15.

Day 1 of 365.
Week 1 of 52.

It’s been an interesting ride, these last few years. As a matter of fact, I couldn’t tell you even remotely what I was doing around New Year’s last year, or even the year prior. This year we rang it in quietly, at home with our pets, reading books and listening to music. One Republic’s new CD, which in turn I’ve been humming all day.

The minimalist, less technology centered life sounds so very appealing, after the rough waters of the last two years. Sean and I have talked about building a tiny house, if we can secure funding. I think the cultivation of the things that really matter will make a huge difference. Spend more face time with friends instead of Facebook.

This year I have a few goals, most of which are centered around a transition to a more simple, less plugged-in lifestyle. The first is to give up Facebook, hopefully completely. A friend put it eloquently: ” I think there’s a lot of value in unplugging and putting the energy into real relationships.”

I couldn’t agree more. I can only imagine what I’ll be able to do with my free time. Instead of arbitrary posts on Facebook, I’m going to make an effort to create lasting memories. Print photos instead of uploading them. Call and reach out to friends instead of expecting it from them. Spend more time with my family. Put more energy into experiences, instead of material things.

Even the smallest of steps, I’m sure, will make a noticeable difference in my lifestyle.


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